Final - Community Partners

This is the end of this series showcasing some of the partners that are doing some amazing work. They were prepared in no particular order and we do not put any one of them above another. We felt the need to get the word out. In most cases those that are reading these Blogs know about our friends. For the people that were not aware of what these organizations are doing you should be now.

If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer please look in this direction. If you are wanting to show financial support we believe in all of these and hope you would as well.

Like we mentioned in the beginning we would not be where we are at today without friends and family. We all have our roles and need to lean on others at different times in our life. LiveLikeJake, P4Foundation, Operation 300 and Elevate Hope all hold a special place. We also know that there are other organizations that are equally awesome. We do not claim that they are the only ones to support. It takes a ton of money and other peoples time to give the community help in their time of need. Please if you have excess time or resources find an outlet to put them to good use.


Community Partners 4